Climate Change – unscientifically engineered ‘tower of dominoes’

Walk with me for a minute. From the Climate Crises on back to Climate Change and onward back to the very beginning, to the original theory of global warming.

Remember how it started? With the analogy that the Earth was going to follow the same fate as the global warming example of Venus, our neighbour and second planet from the Sun, if we humans didn’t soon mend our ways and our consumption of CO2 producing fossil fuels?
A buildup of CO2 in the Venusian atmosphere had caused a runaway temperature rise which boiled it’s oceans away and turned Venus into a virtual Hell?

The narrative went something like this: that Venus and Earth were nearly the same size and size matters. But that’s where any similarity ends because they “inconveniently” forgot to mention that something else is just as important, ‘duration’. I am referring to the very important fact which was strangely missing from the argument.

The duration of a single day on Venus is actually longer than it’s year. In fact one day on Venus is exactly 243 Earth days. Yet Venus’s year is 225 Earth days, 18 days less than one rotation on it’s axis of spin.

Since Venus only has a three degree inclination of it’s axis relative to the Sun, it has no seasons as we have on Earth, just endless summer. It is also situated much closer to our star, at a distance of only 109 million kilometres, compared to Earth which sits at 149 million kilometres away.

Now imagine what a mid-July day in Alberta would be like if we were situated yet a third of the way closer to the Sun, a Sun which would not set for 243 days. Tell you right now we would all be searching madly to find some place lower than a well digger’s shoes to try and get cool. But there would be no chance for survival. We would all be barbecued to medium-well before we even made it to mid-morning.

So what I am asserting is this. It was not a greenhouse effect which boiled Venus’s oceans away to space. Venus’s oceans were already doomed by the orbital and rotational mechanics which were baked into it’s celestial design from the very beginning.

All of it’s water was boiled away to space shortly after the oceans formed due to the extreme heat on its surface caused by nothing more than it’s close proximity to the Sun coupled with it’s extremely long span of daylight frequency (5832 Earth hours in a single day).

If I were not certain of it I would not say it. That Venus’s greenhouse effect did not set in until ‘after’ it’s oceans were gone, a condition which left no oceanic sink to absorb it’s volcanic CO2 output.

This, I believe, is what the powers that be (World Economic Forum – Al Gore), do not want you to know. It was deliberately omitted from the greenhouse effect narrative because to include it would have completely nullified the entire premise upon which their argument was based.

This little detail upon which, being absent from the conversation, rests the entire unscientifically engineered ‘tower of dominoes’, which has been cobbled together in order to justify the combating of a manufactured climate change crisis. A fake crisis based purely upon a widely promoted and intentional lie of omission. ‘The inescapable truth’ being, the rate of Venus’s axial spin (one day) is nearly in tidal lock with it’s orbital frequency (year). A planetary state which absolutely never was in any way analogous to the Earth or any implied greenhouse effect.

We’ve been had.
M. Lee Hudson 
Calgary/County of Paintearth

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