Clearview School Board provides feedback on draft curriculum

Written by ECA Review

Clearview continues to provide feedback to the government on the draft curriculum. 

Senior leaders and trustees continue to advocate on behalf of schools and the community regarding the draft provincial curriculum through the Alberta School Boards’ Association and the College of Alberta School Superintendents. 

The Board and senior leadership view the Alberta Government’s announcement earlier this week about not implementing the full curriculum in September 2022 to be a step in the right direction.  

Clearview’s leadership team is looking forward to information clarifying differences between the current curriculum and new curriculum, so that teachers can identify where to focus.

Staff wellness day planning is underway. Clearview will host a wellness day for staff on March 25, 2022. Dr. Greg Wells is scheduled to attend as presenter. Work is underway to ensure this day supports the wellness needs of staff.

Financial literacy learning opportunity provided to teachers. The Professional Learning Day on Dec. 3, 2021 had more than 80 staff members participating in financial literacy learning. 

The training not only provided insights on how to teach financial literacy to students, but also provided some hands-on resources.

Clearview continues its focus on safety. As a part of its ongoing efforts to maintain and improve safety for staff and students, the safety committee met in December. 

Also, at the last few leadership meetings with principals and vice principals, leaders have focused on possible emergency situations, discussing how they would respond. 

Finally, first aid training is happening Dec. 15, 2021.

Superintendent surveys staff on what motivates them. Superintendent Brenda MacDonald sent out a survey to staff this week asking them what motivates and inspires them to be at work every day. 

Staff have provided some encouraging comments. These will be shared back to staff and with our communities early in 2022.  

Rapid tests

 Clearview has received its first batch of COVID-19 rapid tests for the Stettler Elementary School, which is experiencing an increase in cases. SES families can sign up to receive the tests on a voluntary basis.

School Annual Education Results Reports emphasize a strong commitment to quality education. 

Schools have completed their AERRs.

The report includes provincially and locally gathered data about academic achievement, graduation rates, parental engagement, learning supports and more. AERRs also highlight specific goals schools have been working on.

Calendar planning for 2022-23 is underway. Clearview surveyed staff about the 2022-23 school year calendar and about specific items such as when professional development days should fall. 

The Board reviewed responses and looks forward to hearing back from administration on specific calendar recommendations, including recommendations for further consultations.

Trustees value the opportunity to visit schools. Trustees and senior administration visited Clearview Schools during November and December. 

They heard about how schools respond to Board priorities, including having Clearview schools as their first choice schools, Career and Technology Studies, and how schools are working to close learning gaps in literacy and numeracy (which have developed as a result of the pandemic). 

Paintearth Adult Learning shared success stories virtually in helping people achieve their General Education Development and have more employment opportunities. 

They expressed a desire to work collaboratively with Clearview and its schools.

Cyber security 

The Board heard from Steve Meyer, Director of Technology, about new software purchased to protect Clearview from malware and ransomware attacks. 

This aligns Clearview with best practices required for insurance and increases security for students and staff as they navigate the internet.

There is a new provincial requirement for school divisions and municipalities, requiring the bodies to develop Joint Use Planning Agreements. 

Discussion of the development of these agreements would be part of the purpose for the meeting.

Challenges facing rural school boards 

The Board responded to a request from the Alberta Rural Caucus, which is comprised of rural Alberta school boards, to complete a survey regarding challenges facing rural school divisions. 

Clearview’s Board highlighted the high cost of newly required school bus driver training, declining industry and economic opportunities in rural areas, and student access to mental health support outside of schools. 



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ECA Review

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