Dear Editor,
It is very exciting to see feedback and participation in the industrial changes to the County of Paintearth. We now host four wind farms with one maybe two more on the way. If we go back to the revamp of our Land Use Bylaws, the removal of protected areas and the disregard for community, family and the environment we get to where we are today.
Yes, we will kill more wildlife and endangered species per capita than most anywhere on earth. More wind farms, our new County. Take a flight over your County, while you can. You will be amazed at our new type of farming. Wind farming as far as you can see.
Developers are spending millions of dollars to limit and remove aerodromes and prevent aerial spraying so you can’t see the change.
Our own County has filed a document to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) stating one registered federally-controlled aerodrome is illegal and not County approved. Our County has no jurisdiction over federally-controlled aerodromes.
Our own councillor advised he has about 30 turbines on his land and cannot see a single one when he walks out of his house. No problem with wind turbines!
A former deputy reeve, a large host participant in a new local wind farm has filed documents with the AUC advising neighbours rights, lifestyles and hobbies cannot interfere with her right as a landowner. The AUC has supported this argument. In Alberta it is a landowner’s right.
We now have eight empty farm sites in our community with young families moving away and soon to be retired residents stating, ‘they will not remain to live their lives out, under the documented negative health effects of wind turbines’. It is their right to leave.
Our own County with the support of your elected councillor has spent over six hundred thousand tax dollars on lawyers, fighting residents who wanted nothing more than to protect our environment, our water and communities. Nobody said no, they just said ‘let’s do it better’.
Yes, the ‘wind’ is changing.
Viewscape is discretionary and holds a different meaning for everyone. We have lost the majestic historic natural viewscape of the Battle River Valley and Paintearth Coulee. Replaced with majestic wind turbines the size of the Calgary Tower.
Community also holds a different importance for everyone. Our elected County council and administrative employees have chosen our future and the permanent industrial infrastructure we now live with. Forever.
Take comfort in knowing, we live in a democracy and are all responsible for what has been created. While we were sleeping. Nobody cares until it is in their backyard.
Happy Spring. Happy seeding.
We still live in the greatest place on earth.
Never give up. Raise your voice. It is your right to be heard.
Resident County of Paintearth,
Dwayne Felzien