Catholic Church in Delburne up for sale

St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Delburne is officially for sale, Delburne village council learned at their Sept. 8 meeting.

The church basement has been home to Delburne Playschool. The playschool will remain open and operating until the property has sold according to a letter from Christ-King Catholic of Stettler, which is the administrating parish for Delburne.

The playschool also has right of first refusal, or the option to match an offer made on the property.

According to Crystal Peters, a playschool representative, options are limited for the school so they will continue to operate as usual for now.

The playschool had made council aware of the situation in July in hopes that the village could find a way to acquire the property.

While council members agreed it would be unlikely the village could purchase the property outright, they will continue to investigate options.

Cemetery fees

Council finalized fees for cemetery plots and included the fees in Bylaw 1115/2015 – Fees and Charges.

Each burial will cost $200 per person per plot.

Each plot has options for burial such as interment of a casket at a lower depth to allow for a second casket or cremation urn above. Council is also continuing to investigate the addition of a columbarium to inter cremation urns for individuals seeking that option and to extend the life of the cemetery.

Living well

Alberta Recreation and Parks Association (ARPA), a non-governmental not-for-profit organization, wants to see Albertans choosing a healthier lifestyle through food, activity and community involvement.

ARPA encourages healthy eating and active living through its ChooseWell program, which is administered through the Family and Community Support Services network. Nora Smith is the contact in Delburne for the program.

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