Herman Dietrich Schwenk was born in Innisfail, Alta. on March 7, 1931. He was the first child of...
Category - PrairieView
Alberta needs a new direction
In the last column that I wrote, I indicated that my next column would be a follow-up to the last...
Everything has an end
This column may be a surprise to many of you, but nothing lasts forever, especially people. About...
Does independence mean sovereignty?
Again, we seem to have a big political problem in Alberta. A new poll out last week showed the UCP...
Where was the leadership?
We are in a period of time when strong political leadership is a necessity. What we see now is...
Disgraceful COVID record
I wrote a column on the COVID-19 situation three weeks ago. Since then the situation has become...
Canada and USA headed for trouble
While it is not official yet, barring some dramatic development, Joe Biden will become the next...
Alleged massive fraud in USA election
Boy, oh boy did I ever get my eyes opened up on the weekend of Nov. 20, 2020! Two weeks ago, I...
Time to admit defeat
Those of us who live in Canada have had a ringside seat to a really historic election. It was a...
Cannot find evidence to prove science wrong
In a recent column that I wrote, I referred to a book that was written 10 years ago “False...
Appears Prime Minister is in desperation mode
It would appear that our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is in desperation mode. This is the...
Subsidizing clean energy developers
C02 is going to be the cause of a worldwide financial crisis. At the present time COVID-19 is doing...
Unintended consequences
My last column was about how governments brainwash people into thinking that they have to depend on...
Unintended consequences
My last column was about how governments brainwash people into thinking that they have to depend on...
Catching wild pigs
Everyday for the last couple of months Trudeau pops out of his rabbit hole to make another...
Liberal opportunism
In my column last week I wrote that Trudeau and his Liberal government were planning to put an aid...
Surprise! Surprise!
The government announced that as of Thurs. March 18 the border would be closed to non-essential...
Climate change intimidation
Boy! Is the world ever in a mess right now. We have the coronavirus known as COVID-19 starting to...
Media manipulation
On Sun. Feb. 9 I was watching CTV’s Question Period with host Evan Solomon. The last interview on...
Who’s running the country?
Well, now it appears that this country is in a real mess. What we have now is a Prime Minister that...
Suspect only a few candidates will qualify
For the second time in the last three or four years, the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) is...
The great deception
This column will be somewhat of a followup from my last column as I really want the readers to...
Unreliable in winter
The week of January 12 was really cold with the temperature getting as low as minus 40 degrees...
Carbon tax hypocrisy
Here we go again! Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government, in their wisdom, have decided to...
Freedoms trampled
I have been a supporter of an organization by the name of “ Justice Centre for Constitutional...
Scheer gets the blame for poorly run campaign
Well! Well! I think the resignation of Andrew Scheer’s on November 12 was a big surprise...
Science or propaganda?
About three weeks ago my son Michael sent me a scientific document that was 22 pages in...
Independence, not separation
I attended a conference in Red Deer on Nov. 15 – 16 that was organized by the Economic...
Conservative leadership issue
The election is over and for western Canada to say the result was a disappointment would be an...
Pity the public sector unions
As promised, Jason Kenney is going to reduce government spending in the budget that was presented...