Castor town council
After much debate, Castor town council members voted, three to two, in favour of waiving a $2,350 invoice to the town of Coronation for sending their local fire department to cover a mobile home fire in Coronation under mutual aid.
Castor CAO Sandra Jackson explained to council members at their regular meeting on Mon., Mar. 13 that upon speaking with Coronation’s CAO Sandra Kulyk, the Coronation family who’s mobile home was destroyed by a fire on March 7 had no insurance and are currently unemployed therefore there is no one to bill for the fire department’s three-hour call-out.
Jackson relayed Kulyk’s message that in the event that Castor decided to send an invoice, the Town of Coronation would cover the monies owed.
In addition to the long periods of silence amongst councillors as they listened to Jackson explain the situation comments such as, “How will our volunteer fire department feel, what will this say to them and their efforts?”, “Will this be remembered by Coronation should we find ourselves in the same situation?” and, “This really comes down to the towns, not the people involved” were heard.
Although councillors seemed to share some concern over the issue, it was ultimately decided that no bill would be sent to the town of Coronation at this time.
Arena hazmat quote
Councillors opted out of paying $5,750 plus taxes to have DF Technical & Consulting Services inspect the Castor arena’s lead paint samples, drywall, linoleum, stipple, vermiculite and floor tile for asbestos.
Although the quote included site inspection time, travel time, expenses and final report generation, councillors felt the cost was high, and that was before anything was found. Concern was expressed for any costs and obligation to remove asbestos should it be found during the inspection.
Minimum farmland taxes lowered
The farmland minimum tax was lowered from $500/year, regardless of size, to $250/year. The town had received complaints from one or more of the four properties in question.
The town will lose $1,000 with this tax decrease.
Purchase of surveying equipment
Councillors voted in favour of purchasing a number of pieces of surveying equipment from a local community member who is currently certified to use the equipment for $5,956.
The equipment, brand new, would cost significantly more and although the equipment cannot be used to official survey lots, it has been used for ditches, ball diamonds and other such local uses.