Castor town council approves fireworks venue

Written by ECA Review

Pyro Knight Fireworks in a letter to Castor town council asked to use the driving range at the golf club as a parking lot for a fireworks event and also asked for a financial contribution.

The discussion took place at the regularly scheduled Castor town council meeting Jan. 22.

Deputy Mayor Kevin McDougall moved the town support the fireworks display with the clearing of the driving range for parking, plus a donation of $200. in support.

McDougall had asked how the town plans to control vehicle traffic to prevent patrons from driving further down the golf course to get a better view of the fireworks display?

CAO Donna Rowland responded the town will have to clear the driving range of snow anyway for the event, so the town would have to plow a ridge around the parking lot.

Arena concession

The Arena Recreation Board recommended council approve the lease of the arena concession stand for $350 per month, the same as last year.

Coun. Don Sisson moved approval of the lease, anticipating that the party who rented it last year would do so again.

Splash Park
In an August council meeting, Coun. Sisson moved “that the Splash Park update be accepted as presented and that administration begin the process of searching and applying for grant funding and have a drawing created and provide progress reports.”

At Monday’s council meeting, members of the committee provided an update to say they narrowed down the size so they could get a cost estimate. The estimate came in half of what was expected, at a cost of about $180,000, including digging, washrooms and splash park, subject to grants being received.

Lane Koster
ECA Review

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