Castor Minor Sports Council requests additional arena funding

Paintearth County council was joined by Castor Minor Sports council representatives, Natasha Bozek, Stacey Renschler and Town of Castor Mayor, Richard Elhard, during a Mar. 27 regular meeting.
The representatives requested that council consider the Castor Minor Sports council and the arena renovation project when discussing the budget during upcoming meetings.
Initially the estimated project budget was between $350,000 and $400,000, after further information and investigation. the budget has increased to $750,000 – $900,000.
“I think this project shows commitment from Castor to the 3C’s, ” shared Mayor Elhard, “shows commitment to Coronation and Consort that we are being proactive and trying to support all communities”
The representatives asked that the council think of it as a long-term investment rather than operational funding.
The County has already funded $100,000 towards the project.
The presentation was accepted as information.

Future gravel
Director of Public Works, Bryce Cooke, presented council with a detailed overview of the county’s current gravel situation and future planning options.
“Gravel is not an easy thing,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Tarolyn Aaserud “It’s wear and tear on roads. It’s an estimation. It is something that is essential and vital for our travelling public and for our community to have good gravel roads.
This is the final year of the current supply and deliver contract of 25,000 tonne to Bulwark and Paintearth School sites. 2018 is the first year of a three-year supply contract for the purchase of 30,000 tonne per year, delivered by county trucks to the Bulwark and Smith sites.
At the end of 2018, there will be a seven and a half year supply of ¾ inch gravel.
West county sites have 104,656 tonne and will continue to need 25,000 to 30,000 tonne delivered to each site on two to three year intervals.
While the 347,107 tonne in the east will be able to sustain needs, along with the three year supply contract, for eight to 10 years.
Cooke presented four options, along with estimated costs, regarding future gravel needs. Options include: a one year supply and deliver contract extension of 30,000 tonne, $1,370,500; entering in to a new three year supply and deliver contact with a start date of 2022, $4,385,000; developing a new pit south of Coronation in 2020 and complete crushing in 2024, $3,089,000; and purchase land with gravel; $1,515,852.
“This is not a right now thing,” stated CAO Aaserud,” This is something that, about within the next year, there has to be a plan in place.”
“I do commend past council and Bryce. You guys have stayed ahead of this curve” Reeve Stan Schulmeister stated regarding the gravel reserves.

BREOC update
The Battle River Economic Opportunities Committee (BREOC) has received $1,750,000 from the Community Coal Transition Fund (CCTF). This funding will be spent towards building community capacity.
Urban Systems will be the consultants on the CCTF project and are to develop a critical path to move forward. The next meeting will held at the end of April, where the start-up plan will be reviewed.

Emily Wheller
ECA Review

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ECA Review

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