Castor council: Golf club request turned down

Castor town council moved to approve the 2024 grant of $5,000 to the Castor Golf Club, the same amount as in 2023, at their regular April 8 council meeting but denied the camp stall request for the clubhouse manager.

Last year the town had also provided a campground spot for the clubhouse manager.

It was noted that the camp sites may be full this summer due to the renewable energy projects being done in the area and this would result in a $3,750 revenue loss for the town.

Castor golf club had also requested financial consideration for a contribution to their fundraising efforts of their purchase of a fairway mower. The mower was purchased late last August and has been secured with a loan.

The request was made in November 2023 and at that time council moved that the request be tabled until the golf club provided its financial statements ending Dec. 31, 2023 which has been provided.

Council turned down the fairway mower financial support request.

Council moved to accept the cash statement ending Feb. 29, 2024 as presented and a motion was approved to pay the list of accounts dated March 26 to April 5 for $179,048.56.

Budget talks
The 2024 operating budget was presented and as noted by CAO Donna Rowland, the actual numbers have not yet been audited and some revenue has a zero balance because taxes have not yet been processed.

Ball clinics
Ryan Trask will be offering baseball clinics and Amy Trask will offer softball clinics in May with each offering a morning session for younger players and an afternoon session for older players.

Cost for the clinics to the town, outside of regular ball diamond maintenance, would be travel costs from Edmonton and lunch.

Council approved the recommendation of a $30 per player fee using noted expenses as the baseline. Currently there are 40 participants registered.

Pool swim sponsorship
Community Services Director Tara Jenkins proposed a Sunday afternoon public swim sponsorship program in a letter to council.

It proposed that businesses could sponsor public swimming at the 2024 season rate of $150.

Council moved to approve the recommendation as put forward by the recreation department.

Town spring clean-up
Council approved that the town will sponsor the hamburgers, hot dogs and buns for the yearly town clean-up May 22, a cost of approximately $300 and will ask Castor and District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) to supply the chips and beverages.

Graduating class
Council agreed to issue a letter of support for a truck and trailer for a parade May 31 for Gus Wetter’s graduating class as a parade permit from Alberta Transportation is required.

Gus Wetter school also requested help hanging grad banners to be installed on six light poles in town for the 12 graduates of 2024.

Cheryl Bowman
Multimedia reporter
ECA Review

About the author

Cheryl Bowman

Cheryl spent most of her childhood in Stettler, growing up on a quarter section north of town. After graduating from Stettler Composite High School she moved to Calgary where she worked in various industries, attended The University of Calgary and raised a family.

She enjoyed volunteering and contributed in a variety of ways, such as writing articles for the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and covering charitable events as a photographer.

She moved back to Stettler in 2023 where she still has family.