Residents of Castor will soon have access to locally grown fruit, Castor council learned at their regular meeting on Nov. 28.
Castor council heard from Gus Wetter Public School requesting the town provide the watering for the trees during the summer months when the school is not in session.
The plan is to plant 30 edible fruit trees on school property including, plum and apple trees and saskatoon bushes, to provide students with a good educational experience.
Planting will take place in the spring and students will keep the trees watered.
Coun. Don Sisson moved that Castor public works staff will water the trees over the summer months with town water. The motion carried unanimously.
Equipment purchases
Coun. Trudy Kilner moved the town purchase a 1550 4-wheel-drive diesel tractor mower, for a cost of $34,420 plus tax. The motion carried unanimously.
A decision to purchase a new mower had been tabled at the last council meeting after a discussion about whether or not a zero-turn mower, or tractor mower, would be better, considering summer staff might view zero-turn mowers dangerous on wet grass or steep slopes.
After a brief discussion, Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) funding had already been approved for up to $40,000.
MSI funding has also been approved for the purchase of a truck, up to a value of $70,000.
This truck will be used 365 days a year on call and for many other duties and will replace two older year 2000 and 2001 pickup trucks.
Four models of trucks were being considered by council, with a lengthy discussion narrowing down the choices to either a new Ford F-150 regular cab pickup or a used 2020 one-ton Ford F-350 SuperCab.
Coun. Kevin McDougall moved to purchase the Ford 2023 F-150 4×4 Regular Cab XL for $51,250 plus tax.
The motion was defeated, 2 – 3.
Coun. Trudy Kilner moved to purchase the Ford 350 4×4 SuperCab XLT. The motion carried.
ATCO presented Mayor Richard Elhard with a cheque for $15,000 in the form of a grant, to replace furnaces at the old fire hall, which now houses the East Central Ambulance.
A letter to town council from the Castor Golf Club requested a financial contribution toward the purchase of a “new to us” fairway mower, citing extra expenses this year to repay $40,000 to the COVID-issued CEBA term loan.
Coun. Kilner moved to table the request until year-end club financials can be reviewed.
Snow clearing
Chief Administrative Officer Donna Rowland reported that bus routes to Castor schools have been added to the priority one snow clearing route, as requested by Coun. McDougall at the previous council meeting.
Lane Koster
ECA Review