Castor borrowing bylaw passed

A borrowing bylaw was passed by Castor council, during the Mon. July 23


The Town of Castor will be borrowing up to $450,000 for arena renovations. The funds are on a ten year fixed rate of 3.2 per cent with a ten-year amortization, with no prepayment penalty applying. The funds were borrowed on behalf of the Castor Recreation Board.

A public hearing regarding the borrowing bylaw was held prior to the regular meeting, although there were no submissions.

After school program

Council has approved an afterschool program, provided that it is a cost-effective venture. The recreation office has been looking into the extending Camp Beaver Tail into an afterschool program.

“We definitely need something like this,” said Coun. Trudy Kilner.

More research is to be done regarding the costs of licensing and how many staff will be needed.

“It can help the kids and the families,” said Coun. Tony Nichols.

The proposed plan included using the Paintearth County Adult Learning Committee space after school, where there is space for 14 children. They will need a minimum of ten children for the program to run. With the proposed projections, the registration fee revenue for ten children would be $21,000, while the staffing is estimated to cost $12,437.

CAO retiring

Coun. Trudy Kilner and Tony Nichols will sit on the hiring committee for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) position. Current CAO Sandi Jackson will also aid in finding the right candidate.

“You’ll see all kinds of people step into this position,” said CAO Jackson, referring to the different past experiences and positions held by possible candidates. CAO Jackson will be retiring on April 1, 2019.

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