Dear Editor,
Yup. Canada has bigger things to worry about than COVID-19.
I remember at the outset of the pandemic, health officials were stating there is to be no blaming or shaming in all this.
Yet now we have certain individuals speaking out and even openly calling in to radio talk shows saying things like, “Make the unvaxed pay their own health care bills!” Uh, last time I checked they already did.
And, “I hope they die!” Maybe some are just angry about a vaccine which turned out in my opinion to be more of a therapeutic treatment than an immunization.
While we squabble like schoolyard adolescents and preoccupy ourselves with things we cannot change, our real adversaries have been preparing to make their move on the world.
Our Prime Minister seeks to confiscate the weaponry of our citizen army (virtually the only army we have), while at the same time trying to talk tough and rattle sabres with the unmoved, stoic Xi Jinping of Communist China and the far more intelligently superior Vladimir Putin.
Trudeau tells us about his “great reset” and how the budget will balance itself while inflation runs rampant due to his lavish spending, and store shelves go empty as people are paid not to work.
Now in his great wisdom he closes the border to some 15,000 unvaxed truckers who are trying to deliver our vital winter food supply as well as other necessary commodities from Central America and the U.S. And, as a consequence of last summer’s drought, our cattle feedlots verge on running out of feed while we are woefully incapable of importing corn from the U.S.
But, of course, it’s an Alberta problem. Do you think our Prime Minister will care about that?
Meanwhile south of the border a President who works to divide a Nation over perceived “domestic terrorists”, otherwise known as political opponents.
While we’ve been asleep at the wheel, Russia has been preparing to invade Ukraine, Communist China has been flexing it’s muscles and threatening to forcibly annex Taiwan, and Iran plots against Israel with nuclear weapons. And our leaders work to hobble and cancel the North American energy industry, teach school children that men are women and women are men, and teach students of the military to disavow their “racist whiteness”.
Do you think this is how we won World War II? By embracing weakness and lunacy? Do you believe tanks, navy ships, and fighter aircraft will operate on windmill power?
To say this is not the most strategic approach to surviving a real conflict, is a gross understatement. We have “politically corrected” ourselves into an insanely vulnerable position.
There is a new Axis of Evil on the rise. Never before in my life have I seen a world more primed for a perfect fire storm.
I believe if we don’t get some common sense happening very soon, then we’d best all start brushing up on our Chinese and Russian language skills. But count me out. I never had any and refuse to join the club.
Lee Hudson
Calgary/County of Paintearth