Can fees legally be charged?

Written by ECA Review

Dear Editor,

My comments on the Village of Morrin anomalies regarding the Rates and Fees Bylaw # 390 – March 15, 2023.
• Bylaw established in the regular meeting of council March 15, 2023.
• Bylaw registered as #390 on the Village website.
• Fee Schedule that arrived in last Village utility bill dated March 30, 2023 states Bylaw #386
• On the website it states that Bylaw #385 is being repealed
• Is Bylaw #385 a Rates and Fees bylaw?
• On the website the last Rates and Fees bylaw is Bylaw #386 (November 21, 2021)
• On the website on signature page 2 of the bylaw the heading is Bylaw #386
I would imagine for the bylaw to be in effect that all the numbers on the signed document have to be accurate.
I would also contend that the bylaw with these anomalies would have to be repealed in a meeting of council to reflect the corrections.
Until the anomalies are corrected and a new bylaw enacted, can the fees be charged?

Howard Helton,
Morrin, Alta.

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ECA Review

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