Coronation town council has agreed to open 10 campsites to those who have been evacuated due to the wildfires.
The council recognized that people within the community have been affected by the fires as they may have family or friends who could need help.
Administration will provide the relevant information to Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA), allowing them to notify the affected communities about the availability of the sites.
Proof of residency will be required to get the campsite at no cost.
Trailer rental agreement
Council started discussions around their trailer rental agreement for the food trailer.
During their regular council meeting on May 23 the council opened discussion on what they should do for their trailer rental agreement.
The proposal reads “the agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the trailer can be rented by individuals or organizations for the purpose of selling food and beverages.”
When people want to rent the trailer out they will have to have insurance of a specific amount and provide proof of insurance and food service permit certificate.
There will be inspections before and after the trailer is rented to ensure that everything is in proper functioning condition and to ensure that nothing is damaged or missing.
If there are any items missing or damaged the renter will be responsible for replacing or repairing the item at their own cost.
Council is still discussing what they are going to do for delivery fees within the town of Coronation and how far out of town they are going to allow the trailer.
The council discussed getting staff to deliver the trailer if it is needed in town but they determined that for further out of town if they allow it, the renter would have to pick up the trailer.
Council is continuing discussions around the food trailer and the rental agreement.
Rising break-and-enter crimes
Council received their quarterly Community Policing Report which covers Jan. 1 to March 31, 2023.
“This information serves to provide a quarterly snapshot of the human resources, financial data and crime statistics for the Coronation RCMP,” said Sgt. John Pike, detachment commander of the Coronation RCMP in a letter to CAO Quinton Flint.
“The sharing of quarterly reports demonstrates our ongoing commitment to transparency while delivering the high level of policing services that you, and the citizens you represent, have come to expect from the Alberta RCMP.”
Coronation council discussed how the Coronation RCMP would still have a lot of work to do regarding property crime and traffic violations.
There has been a 900 per cent increase in break-and-enter crimes during this quarter compared to 2019.
From Jan. 1 till March 31, 2019 there were two break-and-enter crimes and from Jan. 1 till March 31 2023 there have been 20 break-and-enter crimes committed.
There has been a downward trend in the theft of motor vehicles during the quarter in 2022 there were 17 crimes and this year there have only been four crimes committed.
The Coronation RCMP says they are committed to the security of Albertans as they transition towards spring.
Jessica Campbell
ECA Review