Campaign asks drivers to post pictures of painful potholes, ruined roadways

Written by ECA Review

The Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA) wants to hear from Albertans about the province’s worst patch of roadway and is launching a social media campaign to raise awareness about the need for better infrastructure maintenance and management.

The campaign encourages drivers to safely post pictures of the most notorious roads in their part of the province to social media with the #AlbertaFixOurRoads hashtag along with a location and a few words about why they should be crowned Alberta’s Worst Road.

“We want to hear from people. Show us the most punishing pothole that makes you pay for not dodging it. We want to see the deepest ruts that inspire the most colourful language. Tell us where the darkest roadside black hole that strikes fear into the heart of any driver,” said ARHCA CEO Ron Glen.

“We’ve come up with this campaign as an opportunity for people to share their experiences on the road,” he said. “Alberta’s transportation network is vital to our economy, growth and jobs. This reminds municipalities and the provincial government how important it is to keep roads in good shape.”

Alberta Transportation data shows little headway made since 2015 in reducing the 4,600 km. of provincial highways in poor condition, where “upgrading is required to comply with minimum codes or standards and deterioration has reached the point where major repairs or replacement are necessary.”

“There’s no plan for things to improve and we’re concerned,” Glen added. “Our members are eager to get out there this season and fix Alberta’s roads. Albertans can use social media to tell us where we’re needed most. We’re hopeful this can help governments get a plan in place to fix our roads.”

Submissions are only shared Alberta roadways. No sidewalks or parking lots.

Tag your photo with #AlbertaFixOurRoads and post it on social media and Tag @AB_Roadbuilders Twitter and albertaroadbuilders Facebook/Instagram.

Winners will be announced in June.



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ECA Review

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