Byemoor 4-H: Club celebrating 70 years

by Tulsa Smith

The Byemoor 4-H Beef Club gathered on April 17 to package batteries generously donated to the Byemoor battery drive.

After the packaging was completed, members of the bursary and stall display committees discussed their designated topics.

Mock Achievement day was held on April 21 at the Endmoor Arena. Thank you to the Ag Society for allowing us to use the facility for the day.

All of the members brought their projects and we had amazing demonstrations and clinics all day including grooming, showmanship and judging.

Members had the opportunity to get help to clip their calves. Thank you to the volunteers who helped us all and made the day fun. We also helped to finish cleaning up after the Bullarama.

District Mock Achievement day was held in Stettler on April 27 at the Agriplex.

Members enjoyed hands on learning lead by fellow members.

A few of our members attended the East Central Regional Judging day at Czar, Alta. on the same day. A great day of learning and fun was reported.

Annual Highway Cleanup was May 4. Our club picked the ditches along Sec. Hwy. 589. As always, lots of interesting items were found. Afterwards we held our May meeting to discuss our upcoming Achievement Day which will be held in Stettler on May 2-22.

Our Cleavers will kick the day off on Monday at followed by the female show. On May 22, the steers will hit the ring at 9 a.m. with the sale at 7 p.m.

We would like to welcome and invite everyone to our show and sale as we will kick off our Club’s 70th Anniversary Celebrations at the show this year.

Members will be serving breakfast at the Annual Halkirk Elks Mother’s day breakfast on May 12. It is a great opportunity to treat Mom on a special day.

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