Big Valley Tiny Home subdivision to proceed

Draft concept plans from Parkland Community Planning Services (PCPS) for the development of the Big Valley tiny homes subdivision were part of the agenda at the Feb. 23 regular council meeting.
These plans illustrate what the subdivision could look like with road allowances, individual lot dimensions and architectural guideline suggestions and include proposed regulations, standards and bylaw amendments.
After an in-depth review of  all the information, council decided unanimously to go ahead with the re-zoning and subdivision of the development area as soon as possible.
A public Open House will be held to further discuss this unique project and address resident questions and concerns; however details are yet to be confirmed.
Though the documents are still in the draft stage, the village office will have packages available for residents to review.

Rails and Tales
Logistical discussions continue regarding the Rails and Tails exposition taking place between Stettler and Big Valley from June 29 and July 5.
Volunteers working the event will need a place to stay in Big Valley for a few days before and after the event.
Council has resolved to reserve Big Valley’s Centennial Campground from June 27 to July 4 for use by Rails and Tails volunteers.
In lieu of an immediate financial contribution, council will allow the volunteers to camp for free.
Future financial contributions to the event will remain open for discussion.
A Rails and Tails information night, open to the public, is planned for Mar. 14.

Bylaw reviewed
Council continued the review of their draft Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, discussing the sections on accountability, fair treatment and the relationship between council and administration.
In accordance with the requirements set out in the Municipal Government Act (MGA), information encompassed by this bylaw include clear expectations on ethical and lawful conduct, preserving the integrity and impartiality of council and disclosing pecuniary interests.
Also included in the bylaw will be information regarding the behaviour the public can expect from their elected officials and a mechanism for responding to alleged breaches.
Council will continue to review this bylaw over several meetings.

ATCO Electric
First reading was given to Bylaw 829, an electric distribution system agreement giving ATCO Electric Ltd. the right to provide electric distribution service within the village.
The agreement will grant ATCO Electric an exclusive franchise for a period of 10 years subject to the right of renewal.

Stettler Learning Council
Brenda Barritt, Program Manager for the Stettler Adult Learning Council (SALC)presented council with information on the programming direction and mandate of SALC.
Focusing on literacy and foundational learning, Barritt outlined current available programs and resources and discussed ways to expand collaborative efforts in order to bring SALC programs to Big Valley and area residents.
SALC program information can be obtained at the village office.

Ball Diamonds
The Big Valley Ag. Society made a request to partner with the village for ball diamond maintenance.
The Society will no longer have the equipment to perform the maintenance themselves and are hopeful the village will be able to help.
Council has directed administration to do a cost analysis and begin to discuss partnership options.

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ECA Review

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