Better communication system needed for those with disabilities

Written by User Submitted

Dear Editor,
I am on disability and months from becoming a senior. I cannot get out every day so I may not see the snow removal signs that are placed by the Stettler public works staff when they are about to clean snow from my street.

I deal with pain that causes sleepless nights so after breakfast and medication I sometimes fall asleep.

Instead of working with people like me, I feel the Town of Stettler takes advantage of me by ticketing my car.

Also, snow removal after one inch of snowfall is nothing more than a waste of resources, manpower and a waste of taxpayer dollars, in my opinion.

I went to the town office with my complaint and was referred to a bylaw officer who led me out to his truck where he checked his notes and said that I was given a verbal warning once before, and on that occasion, I did move my car. After stating about his verbal warning, he rudely walked away.

There should be a system in place for low income seniors and those with disabilities to notify them of street cleaning rather than depending on signs at the ends of a block.

Randy Wagner
Stettler, Alta.

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User Submitted