Dear Editor,
Thank you for making this effort to keep your newspaper viable to all. We would certainly miss it. It is the best read for us locally.
Enclosed find a cheque for a “symbolic subscription”.
Tom and Helen Marshall
Hanna, Alta.
Publisher’s note: A symbolic subscription means that you will get an addressed copy if we are not dropping the newspapers into your community’s post office.
If we are doing total coverage in your community then you will not receive an addressed copy.
To save postage and printing dollars, we are only dropping into the communities that are supporting the paper by advertising, flyer inserts, subscriptions and symbolic subscriptions, or financial support such as the Village of Alix and Alix Chamber of Commerce until this crisis is ended and we can continue with our normal free distribution.
Therefore those community post office boxes, not marked ‘no flyers’ will continue to get the newspaper when a flyer is booked.