Beautiful weather for Mt Olive Church fall kick off

A Sunday morning church service in Mt. Olive’s sprawling gravel parking lot—with the pastor in shorts and a BBQ picnic lunch, games, and bouncy castles waiting on the grass.

Some mix for the church’s annual fall kickoff September 10 in the south end of Three Hills.

“We normally have two Sunday morning services,” said Pastor Alvin Bueckert, “but for our kickoff, it’s one big service outside. We don’t all fit in the church building at one time.”

For the 500 congregants, the service was made pleasant by good weather and possible by the efforts of more than 30 volunteers.

“This service,” said Bueckert, now in his eighth year as lead pastor, “is an excellent way for the entire church to be together instead of in separate services and, for visitors to check us out.”

ECA Review/D. Nadeau

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