Many from the community enjoyed the Theresetta School Christmas concert on Dec. 19. Grade 6 students, Santa (Parker Slemp) and Mrs. Claus (Gracie Bagshaw), were part of the Christmas musical performed by Grades 3 to 6 classes. ECA Review/Submitted
All the staff and students at Theresetta are back to school and back to their usual routine. School started on Wed. Jan. 4 and everyone seems to have come back well rested and ready for a new year.
Other than everyone adjusting back into the daily routine, not much has been happening so far in 2017.
Basketball got underway on Wed. Jan. 11, with both Knights teams travelling to Gus Wetter to take on their junior high teams.
The junior girls basketball team had an intense game against Gus Wetter on Wed. Jan. 11.
It was mostly a back and forth game but ended with the Knights being defeated. Our girls worked hard the whole game. Great job girls!
The boys also played against Gus Wetter last Wednesday. The boys worked hard to improve their score from the exhibition game they played against Gus earlier in the season.
They did a good job improving their scoring and playing defence. Keep it up boys!
The boys basketball team is also travelling to Killam this weekend for their first tournament of the season. Go Knights!
Christmas concert
Before the Christmas break, all of the students put on a great show at the annual Christmas Concert on Dec. 19.
The Kindergarten to grade 2 class started the night by performing some cute Christmas themed songs that got everyone in the spirit!
Then, the grade 3 to 6 classes performed their Christmas musical which featured a hound dog that wanted to be part of the Christmas choir.
After much resistance, the choir learns to accept the hound dog for his special hounding abilities.
Afterwards, the audience was entertained by the grade 8 and 9 classes performing an original play based on the game show “Name That Tune”.
Next, the grade 7 class, accompanied by a choir of grade 7 and 8 girls, performed the nativity scene and story to the tune of “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen, with words by our very own Mrs. Kneller.
Lastly, the whole school joined together to sing the final song of the night “Oh What a Glorious Night” by the Sidewalk Prophets. It was a beautiful celebration as a school community to send us into the holiday season.
K. Smawley