Bashaw Council picks date for public feedback meeting

Bashaw town council chose a date for the public feedback session related to a major zoning change. The decision was made at the Jan. 2 regular meeting of council.

Councillors heard a presentation by Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Theresa Fuller regarding recommended dates for the direct control (DC) revision public engagement.

Coun. Kyle McIntosh clarified that the session in question was “non-legislative,” that is, councillors were proposing essentially an open house to discuss proposed changes to the DC section of the town’s Land-use Bylaw (LUB) and that the session was not a mandatory public hearing of any kind. Fuller responded that was correct.

At previous council meetings the CAO presented proposed changes to the municipality’s DC zoning, revising the substantial number of existing DC-zoned sites in Bashaw down to five; current DC-zoned sites would have their zoning change to standard residential, commercial or other zones found in the LUB.

DC zoning is usually used by municipalities for certain developments that may not match standard zoning or have unusual or unique features; DC zones usually don’t go before a municipal planning commission (MPC) but rather go directly to the town council for decisions.

It was stated at a previous meeting that some of the properties currently zoned DC probably didn’t need that special designation while some others could have their DC zoning more clearly defined.

Coun. McIntosh asked about official readings of the proposed bylaw; Fuller responded that first reading could be approved anytime councillors wished, with second and third readings to follow after the proper procedures are followed, including public consultation.

She noted the current version of the proposed DC changes include suggestions made by councillors at previous meetings.

Fuller also stated she wanted to ensure the proposed changes are well-publicized, including hanging of public notices at the local post office. However, the CAO added that she wanted to be sensitive with public announcements about these proposed changes because some of the properties involved are actually private residences.

During discussion councillors agreed they wanted to ensure Bashaw residents know about these proposed changes and the sites involved; they suggested inviting owners or occupants of the sites involved to the public consultation session. Fuller responded that idea was already in the works.

Councillors unanimously passed a resolution to hold a public consultation session to collect public feedback about proposed changes to DC zoning in Bashaw.

Stu Salkeld
Local Journalism Initiative reporter
ECA Review

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