Town of Bashaw council reviewed major construction projects during their regular meeting of council June 4.
This was a blended meeting, some councillors and staff attending in person at the community hall, some attending electronically via internet.
Capital projects
Councillors examined the 2020 capital projects listing in their meeting agendas.
At the top of the list was the previously approved project “54th Ave. paving, Phase 2.” It was noted the project was funded from reserves.
New items were listed in priority order, and at the top of the list was the lagoon project, 2020 cost to the town listed as $178,807. It was noted that the town is awaiting word on a grant application for this project which has a total cost of $715,226.
Second on the list was the Happy Gang’s roof (the Bashaw area senior’s centre located on Main Street).
The project cost, surface coat, was listed at $29,400 and it was noted at the meeting the Bashaw seniors will contribute $10,000 of their own money.
A town report stated work on the roof is overdue and damage is occurring. If the project becomes full treatment, project cost would increase to $40,000.
Councillors approved the Happy Gang roof project.
Town office
During a regular staff report, Coun. Lynn Schultz stated he felt the time was right for the town office to re-open to the public. It has been closed to follow coronavirus pandemic measures.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Theresa Fuller reported that some staff who were working from home are returning to the town office, including a few full-timers who’ve been back for a couple of weeks.
Fuller stated she’s trying to stagger staff returns to spread it out.
Town staff are always answering phones but only one member of the public is allowed in the town office at a time.
She stated that the town office will likely re-open to the public in mid-June.
She also added that the town office isn’t part of the re-opening strategy, but rather is covered more on the social distancing guidelines since the town office is a fairly small area.
Schultz said it would be nice to re-open the town office and hold council meetings in person again.
Emergency operations
Foreman Murray Holroyd gave a report on the emergency operations department.
He stated that Bashaw’s playgrounds and parks have been reopened, but washrooms at Heritage Park and the baseball diamonds remain closed to the public. He stated that playground users must sanitize the equipment before and after using it.
Holroyd noted that even though the provincial re-opening proceeds, social distancing guidelines still apply.
While the pickle ball and tennis courts are open, social distancing rules apply and equipment must not be shared between users. Signs have been posted with requirements.
Public works
Holroyd also submitted his regular public works update. He stated the 54th Ave. paving project is almost complete.
A patch on 54th was also completed to seal a water leak there.
Another patch will have to wait, though. A soft spot on 51st Street is too soft to work on yet.
Holroyd stated he had Border Paving look at a spot on 56 Ave. that’s breaking up.
The pavers stated it must be excavated for the problem to be revealed.
He stated line painting should go ahead in June if time and weather permit.
Grass and dandelions are coming up quickly the foreman noted.
He stated town staff are having trouble keeping up because the town is short-staffed due to having no summer students this year.
A mower is currently broken down, so cutting at the cemetery has been delayed.
Flower displays have arrived and of course will require town staff’s time to water them.
Councillors accepted Holroyd’s report for information.
Deaf child sign
Fuller reported that a previous decision of council will require some tweaking.
Residents requested a sign on their street notifying motorists that a child with a hearing issue lived nearby, and to drive cautiously.
Fuller reported the family is moving to a different part of Bashaw, so the sign will be erected there.
Stu Salkeld, Local Journalism Initiative reporter
ECA Review