Baseball teams make appearance

Stettler Council holds the coveted Walk n Roll Trophy after the town won the Walk ‘n’ Roll Challenge for the third year in a row against Ponoka and Wainwright. Residents of all three communities were encouraged to park their cars this spring and summer and walk or bike to their destinations instead. Stettler residents recorded 23,588 trips while Wainwright was close behind at 22,253 trips and Ponoka at 21,751 trips. From the left: Coun. Wayne Smith, Coun. Cheryl Barros, Coun. Gord Lawlor, Mayor Sean Nolls, Coun. Malcolm Fischer and Coun. Al Campbell. ECA Review/T.Huxley

Stettler Town Council opened the meeting with a friendly presentation from the Stettler Storm Bantam and Mosquito Teams after they both won their provincial tournaments at home recently.

Council commended the teams not only on their athleticism but also sportsmanship on the field and volunteerism throughout the weekend.

Town gas prices

Council received a letter from a concerned resident about the high gas prices within Stettler.

Sybil McGibbon noted that he actively chooses to fill up elsewhere than in town due to the high prices and drew attention to the fact that this action drives business away.

Smaller towns have had lower prices than Stettler like Hanna and Castor and the large city centers like Calgary and Red Deer.

“The logo “Shop Stettler” is a farce when the town authorities won’t even step in and bring us on a par with surrounding areas regarding gas prices,” said McGibbon in his letter.

McGibbon encouraged a boycott of local gas vendors until the prices dropped.

Mayor Sean Nolls and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Greg Switenky did some investigating into the matter and found that local gas stations often follow the ebbs and flows of market value on the commodity as well as surrounding stations to get a feel for the current price.

Distribution Fee forecast

The anticipated 2020 ATCO electric franchise fee came to council’s attention in the form of correspondence.

Each year, municipalities have the ability to review their franchise fee and change the percentage.

Administration felt this wasn’t necessary this year as council locked in a 5 year plan two years ago at 11.1 per cent of the distribution revenue.

Council was still given the option to change but no-one disagreed with administration’s decision to just provide the information.


Terri Huxley

ECA Review

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ECA Review

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