Bankruptcies and failures, is that what we want

Written by User Submitted

Dear Editor,
Premier Danielle Smith’s claims her Alberta Pension Plan is better than CPP for Albertans. She claims that Alberta is “entitled” to half of CPP. How can a province that has 15 per cent of the Canadian population be entitled to over 50 per cent of CPP? Must be the new UCP math, not the math that is used by accountants, schools, or by other provincial governments.

Not one province in Canada supports her proposals. As a matter of fact, Premier Doug Ford of Ontario strongly opposes such an idea and so has the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Pollievre.

So, our premier seems to be up to her old game which is, “If I don’t get my way, I’m taking my puck and going home”! That’s the mentality of those folks who think other people must agree with them. No discussion. “My way or the highway” approach to dealing with other people.

Premier Smith doesn’t seem to care that the majority of citizens in our province already oppose her pension plan, just like the majority oppose her provincial police plan to replace the RCMP, and for dismantling our universal health care system in favour of private health.

There is a saying that “Power corrupts, and absolutely power corrupts absolutely”. She and her supporters believe they can ramrod their “private” agendas because they believe that most Albertans will meekly go along, probably thinks that we’re all sheep, with her own pension plan, private health care plans, and private schools plan. Always pushing privatization as if it really works.

I guess she looks at the world through “rose-coloured glasses” instead of actually seeing the dismal results of many private pension plans in the U.S., the dismal record of private police forces and private prisons in America, or the dismal record of private healthcare in the U.S. By the way, over 60 per cent of all bankruptcies in the U.S. are attributed to private health care costs.

Yup! That’s what we want for us. Bankruptcies. Failures. Yes! Let’s reinvent the wheel. Who cares if our citizens may go broke with her schemes.

Say—-whatever happened to the Alberta Heritage Trust Fund? How does it compare to Alaska’s heritage trust fund? How does it compare to Norway’s trust fund? Not doing so well? Is that why the Alberta Government usurped the teachers’ pension plan?

Mark Twain said, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”.

George Thatcher
Olds, Alta.

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User Submitted