Awaiting new funding allocation details

The guiding framework for budget consultation was approved at the regular Jan. 16, 2020 Clearview School Division meeting. The big unknown continues to be the budget allocation formula.

Board members collectively stressed the importance of getting the funding details early so there is time to have meaningful consultation with schools and stakeholders.

Superintendent Peter Barron said it will be February or March but his provincial colleagues are encouraging the government to release the new funding allocation formula in February.

Peter Neale, Associate Superintendent, told the Board they’ll likely need to make some pretty big decisions this year.

Historically, the funding formulas were based at the school level—student population, special needs, small school allocation, transportation, etc.—so funding primarily flowed through the district to schools.

To date, it is unknown whether the new allocation will maintain a similar flow-through structure.

The Board is anticipating additional stakeholder meetings when the government funding allocations are made public.

“People like to be engaged when they know how changes are going to affect them”, said Trustee John Schofer.

Field trip approvals

Unanimous preliminary approval was given for the Gus Wetter Archery Team to compete at the National Archery in School Program (NASP) national competition in Regina, Sask. on April 23 and 24, 2020.

There will be approximately 16 students from Grades 5 to 11 participating.

Unanimous final approval was given for a group of 13 high school students and teachers from the Coronation School to visit Costa Rica during spring break, March 25 to April 2. Curriculum outcomes include experiencing new cultures—languages, foods and a different way of life—and learning about the ecosystems of the rainforest.

Aftermath of lockdown

A threat received on Dec. 20, 2019 caused lockdown status to be activated for 45 minutes at WE Hay Stettler Secondary School Campus (WEM SCC).

The RCMP, after investigation, found the threat non-credible.

Trustee Becky Scott reported that although a scary event, it was good practice. The teachers, students and police all responded well.

The Board will look to provide parents with more information on lockdown procedures and the reasons why during a lockdown, parents are instructed not to come to the school, not to phone the school and not to call their child’s cell phone.


B. Schimke

ECA Review

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ECA Review

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