The 2016-2017 Audited Financial Statements confirmed that Prairie Land Regional Devision (PLRD) operates an open and transparent system, according to a press release from PLRD, with appropriate checks and balances, and transparent public reporting and financial management processes.
The full report can be accessed on the PLRD Website at
The 2017-2018 fall budget update was presented with a projected operating deficit of $486,848 as compared to the spring budget deficit of $233,111.
The change results from a significant enrollment decline and use of school reserves.
The Board adopted the 2015 – 2018 PLRD Combined Three-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR).
This year the plan focuses on student achievement, health and wellness, division and school culture, and instructional leadership.
Maximizing learning for every learner in inclusive classroom environments and improved results on diploma examinations at the standard of excellence are two key focuses.
PLRD’s results can be accessed at .
The deputy superintendent presented the 2016-2017 achievement test and diploma exam results. PLRD should be proud of the great results and acknowledgement goes out to all school staff and students for a job well done.