Bashaw council
Bashaw arena user groups will pay a little more to rent the arena after council voted in favour of increasing rates.
At its regular meeting March 17, council changed the definition of users and increased rates more for non-local youth and adult groups.
Mayor Penny Shantz said because of the variables its best to raise the rates one year at a time.
The local youth and adult fees increase by $10 to $85.71 and $104.76 respectively. Non-local users will pay $125 and $130.
FCSS funding
Bashaw council approved the $60,326 allocation of Family and Community Support Services Funding for 2016. The province’s contribution is $24,554, the town’s $6,138 and Camrose County’s $29,633.
Bashaw and District Support Services (BDSS) will receive $37, 191, $936, lower than they requested. The Youth Centre will get $23,135, $838 less than they requested.
Assessments vary
Bashaw has a unique assessment year with some non-residential properties assessed value dropping and some residential assessments have increased slightly.
Council voted in favour of setting its assessment split to 73 per cent residential and 27 per cent non-residential. This means a higher end home would likely see an increase of $221 in its tax bill. And a high end non-residential [business] would see a drop in its tax bill this year by $93.70.
Capital budget deferred
Bashaw council voted in favour of deferring its capital budget presentation until the next regular meeting. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)Theresa Fuller told council she wasn’t prepared to give the presentation at the March 17 meeting and would be at the next meeting.
Thrift store considers options
Jolene Wilkie from the Bashaw and District Thrift Store Society told council in a letter that the group is exploring options for building rentals including the Sew it Fits building, Mr. Fix it Building and the True Value store.
Wilkie said these options have enough space but the society wants the town to help with the rent and utilities, as they have in the past.
This would mean about $28.75 every two months for water, sewer and garbage. As well, the society asked if the town could offer their future landlord reduced or zero taxes to offset rental costs.