The County of Paintearth has been investing time and energy into the Hamlet of Fleet by developing part of the area for future residents.
Approximately three lots of the 11 being developed have been spoken for already.
In order to continue with the development plan, an area structure plan is needed.
An area structure plan provides a framework for subsequent subdivision and development of an area.
Council already passed the first reading at their last meeting.
At the regular meeting on Tues. May 4, council passed second and third reading.
Councillor recognition
Councillors were recognized for their consistent service over the years.
Coun. Diane Elliott was given a nine-year pin to appreciate her commitment to the county while Coun. George Glazier was given a 20-year pin.
Coun. Tyrrill Hewitt received a pin and plaque to represent 25-years of service.
Write off request
Administration asked council to approve writing off an accounts receivable account.
The original invoice for $625 was issued last October for a motor vehicle collision that occurred the month before.
Finance charges applied monthly with a current outstanding balance came to $689.53.
A cheque was given from ICBC Insurance for $676.01, leaving $13.52 left to be paid out.
Council agreed to pay this remaining amount.
Department job descriptions
As part of a service capacity and staffing review done in late 2019, duties and responsibilities were shuffled around to ensure continuity and effective flow through tasks being performed in the finance department.
The department has since been operating under these changes since January 2020.
It was determined that the tasks are appropriately placed which prompted administration to ask council to approve the new job descriptions.
Council accepted this request.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review