Apache completes strategic exit from Canada


The new Karve Energy Inc. sign replaces the Apache sign on the building on main street Coronation as Apache exits Canada. Karve Energy Inc. is a privately-owned company headquartered in Calgary, Ab.




HOUSTON, Aug. 16, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Apache Corporation announced Aug. 16, 2017 it has completed
Apache completed the previously disclosed sale of its Provost assets in Alberta to Karve Energy Inc., a privately owned company headquartered in Calgary, Ab.
Also, the previously disclosed sale of its Apache Canada Ltd. subsidiary to Paramount Resources Ltd. (TSX:POU), which consists of properties located principally in the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.
Together, with the June 30 sale of its assets at Midale and House Mountain, these transactions constitute a full country exit for the company from Canada.

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