Another costly water line break

“It’s going to be another costly one,” said CAO Kulyk at the regular town council meeting Feb. 26 referring to the water line break on Victoria Ave.
Public Works determined that it would require shutting off water to three blocks for a considerable length of time as finding the break took several days so they let the water run.
“It’s a bad year for it [water line breaks], stated one councillor. The frost is not in our favour.

Campground bylaw
Coronation Campground Bylaw 2018-656 received first, second and third and final reading and passed unanimously.
The old bylaw 2016-645 required a change to Section 3.15 to make it consistent with the Animal Control bylaw which had been changed regarding the ‘restricted dog’ word changes.
A restricted dog is no longer named by breed in the bylaw, but by actions of the dog.
Restricted dog is now defined as any dog declared to be restricted by a Justice, town manager, or, the subject of an Order under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

Accumulated surplus
Council allocated the accumulated surplus of $550,000 to the following.
Council agreed to the $100,000 to the Wellness Centre Capital Reserve which presently has $30,000 in it.
“We’re never going to get going if we don’t start,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Sandra Kulyk.
The other surplus funds will go into the following restricted funds: $30,000 to Fire Equipment Capital; $40,000 to Common Services Equipment; $100,000 to Roads; $150,000 to Water; $30,000 to Recreation; and $100,000 to General Contingency.

Tax recovery
Of the eight properties at the tax recovery auction on Feb. 15. Kulyk reported that two vacant lots in Park Crescent were sold.
“People did come,” said Kulyk and targeted parcels that I didn’t expect.”
Of the other parcels, an unoccupied residence, an unoccupied mobile home, a vacant mobile home lot, one unoccupied and one occupied commercial building received no bids.
Council decided to leave the remaining tax recovery parcels as is for now and simply register its name on the title.
If they don’t sell in 15 years, the town can then get clear title with little cost to the town.
The town will establish a lease agreement for Parcel #7 to recover outstanding taxes from the owner, which is currently occupied by an established business.
“We’re only interested in taxes,” said Kulyk noting she will obtain more information from the assessor before establishing a rental fee.
Coun. Ron Checkel agreed, “We don’t want to be in business.”

Development Application
Council denied a development application to move a 1996 manufactured home into the town on the basis of the bylaw that states “manufactured homes constructed more than 20 years prior to the date of the development permit application shall not be permitted.
“We let that other one in and they didn’t clean up,” said Coun. Shelley Cook, adding “how do we enforce [fixing up] once it’s in”.

Emergency Management Committee
Councillors Ron Checkel, Jackie Brigley and Vickey Horkoff, along with CAO Kulyk.
The committee discussed terms of reference, contact list, management policies, risk assessment and training on the Alberta Emergency Alert System.

Battle River Generating update
Atco Power hosted a meeting on Feb. 15 to provide an update on the Battle River Power Generating Plant natural gas conversion status, market conditions, public consultations, plant upgrades and new opportunities being considered.
Atco Power is expecting to receive 6-month notice of termination of the Battle River #5 in early March, however there are no plans to moth-ball , as markets and break-even points could change in the future.
No decision has been made regarding converting the remaining units to natural gas as market prices are still not very good.
If Atco installs gas turbines they could fire much more quickly to capture peak demands.
Battle River #4 conversion is approximately two thirds complete which will be able to fire up to 50 per cent using natural gas and they are considering upgrading that to 100 per cent.
Atco is looking at ‘behind the fence’ opportunities with 11 companies already approaching them, one being a ‘Bitcoin Mining’ operation.

Although the provincial government will regulate retail licensing and were retail stores can be located, municipalities will have the authority to set development rules within their Land Use bylaws.
The bylaw must be consistent with provincial legislation and will have discretion to vary certain rules to be either more or less restrictive.
Policing, bylaw enforcement, health, safety and social impacts will put a significant fiscal impact on the town’s budget.
The AUMA is lobbying for municipalities to receive their fair share of cannabis excise taxes to offset these expenses.
“Within two months, they would have to establish a position,” said Kulyk to councillors.
Among many others issues, council may wish to provide for greater “buffer distances” between cannabis retail sales developments and facilities sich as schools, recreation facilities, community centers, liquor stores, child care facilities, etc.
The province has established a 100 metre buffer.
“If we go to 300 metre buffer, that pretty well eliminates most locations for a retail outlet in Coronation said Coun. Checkel.

J. Webster
ECA Review

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ECA Review

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