Annual Garden Party 2016

The Paintearth Lodge in Castor hosted their annual garden party on Fri., Aug. 19. to recognize the milestones of years of service from dedicated staff. This year the service award was presented to Marcy Renschler (centre) pictured with their Board Chairman from the County of Paintearth, Walter Weber and Board Representative from the Village of Halkirk, Doris Cordel. ECA Review/Submitted

Every year at Paintearth Lodge in Castor, they have their annual Garden Party. This is their time to recognize the milestones of years of service from dedicated staff and marks the end of summer when they have to say goodbye to their summer students and wish them well in their future endeavors.

On Fri., Aug. 19 there was only one service award to present and it was to Marcy Renschler with their Board Chairman from the County of Paintearth, Walter Weber and Board Representative from the Village of Halkirk, Doris Cordel. Marcy started at Paintearth Lodge in March of 1991 as the Activity Coordinator and 25 years later she is the current CAO of Paintearth Lodge. Congratulations Marcy!

This summer the residents and staff of Paintearth Lodge had the privilege of meeting and working with two spectacular students. Max Schaffner joined the recreation department and kept everyone entertained and busy. Who ever knew how much fun making drums could be! Max is furthering his education at Red Deer College. Juli Schnell worked in the maintenance department and helped keep the grounds looking good all summer long. She will continue to work at the lodge in the dietary department as well as attending Gus Wetter School to complete Grade 12. Best of Luck to both of them in their futures!

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