Alberta Prairie Railway Excursion arrives at Big Valley street festival

Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions’ No. 41 steam engine arrived at Big Valley’s street festival July 22 with a full load of passengers. Guests were also happy to hear the date was also National Rail Heritage Day, when the impact of rail on Canadian history is recognized. ECA Review/S.Salkeld
Written by ECA Review



Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions’ No. 41 steam engine arrived at Big Valley’s street festival July 22 with a full load of passengers. Guests were also happy to hear the date was also National Rail Heritage Day, when the impact of rail on Canadian history is recognized. ECA Review/S.Salkeld

Big Valley Train Station Museum & Roundhouse volunteers (from left) Phyllis Garrison, Trudy Spence and Joanne Wiechnik displayed their Victorian outfits for guests arriving on Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions’ No. 41 steam engine July 22. ECA Review/S.Salkeld

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