Environment Canada’s air quality statement for Sat. Sept. 2 was from 7 up to 10 plus caused by smoke from fires in the north and British Columbia. The smoke persisted throughout the long weekend and into the work week. That didn’t slow down John Wideman of Edberg, Alta. in his air-conditioned tractor as he custom-baled barley near Halkirk. The practice of wrapping bales in plastic is most commonly used in high moisture baling of forage crops that can be cut sooner, baled and wrapped to ferment like silage. ECA Review/J. Webster
Harvest is wrapping up quickly in more ways than this plastic wrap for silage that was being harvested in early September near Halkirk. Due to lack of moisture, most of the combining is done. So far most parts of east central Alberta have not had a hard frost which is unusual for this part of the country. A closer view for our readers who see lots of “marshmallows” in the field but don’t often get to see how they are produced.