Accept and respect the best of it

Dear Editor,

I’m an old, tired farmer and some of the news today I find difficult to understand and agree with.

For years we were told we are all equal no matter what nationality, colour, religion, etc. When the government makes laws, it is for our safety and health. Even though we may not always agree, it is for the betterment of all.

When the Alberta government approved a transgender policy, they had some disagreements in the province, and this is how I personally feel about it.

If there is a girl under the age of 14 years; competing in a race, hockey or ball game the same rules apply to all the girls. If you, as a parent, had a daughter playing against a team and some had transgender players on it, would you be happy?

You must be 16 years old to get a valid drivers license, 18 years old to purchase liquor legally, and 18 years old to vote, so how can someone agree with having someone under 16 years change their body gender?

Parents who have children who reach their teen years have many requests from their children and must make decisions for them and not always, in the opinion of the child, is that decision in the child’s favour.

Give these younger people more time to grow up before they make major decisions.

I asked a doctor about transgender and the response was, and I quote, “a female has a vagina, and a male has a penis, end of story!”

Another issue

Another issue for me is why do people burn down houses, churches, deface plaques and destroy statues?

These were put there with respect for what they represented. Some people may not have agreed with all they did and not saying I do, but we were able to learn from some of the mistakes and not repeat them again.

These people that destroyed this property, what are they doing that is better for their community and country?

You cannot change the past, just accept and respect the best of it, but you can change the future!

Rusty Old Farmer
Philip Dietz
Castor, Alta.

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