As harvest wraps up our community has had the privilege of joining together for an old-fashioned barn raising Oct. 7 – 12, 2023.
Not quite the way it was done 50 or 100 years ago as wood has been replaced with steel, but as close to a step back in time as our current world offers.
The barn is that of Doug and Lynne Potter who have been forced to relocate their Farm and feedlot to a safe location from the Halkirk 2 Wind Farm.
The Halkirk 2 Wind Farm now under construction has caused more disruption and controversy than many residents can live with.
Our neighbourhood has changed with approximately 18 people relocating since the original project approval in 2018 and several more planning to relocate by the time construction is completed.
Those of us left behind hope to survive the test of time and respect the wishes of our homesteading ancestors’, to protect the community and environment passed to us all.
Thank you to our community for standing together and supporting each other.
Paintearth Community Members