Local Classifieds

Real Estate
HAY / cultivated land for sale: 1 quarter of Meadow Hay land with 30 acres previously cultivated, located approx. 13 miles north of Coronation. Contact Jay Brown (403) 620-3096.

WANT WORK. Inflation hurts! Senior with an excellent driving record, have Class 3 with air, looking for driving position 2 or 3 days/week. Please help. Sheldon 403-742-1062.

Coming Events
TURKEY SUPPER Sunday, Nov. 26, Brownfield Rec Centre.

VETERAN Christmas Capers, Veteran Hall, Sat. Nov. 25, 2023. Breakfast 9 a.m. – noon; Market 10 a.m-2 p.m.; Sleigh/Wagon Rides 12:30 – 2 p.m.; Kids Crafts noon – 2 p.m.; Santa/Candy Bags 2 p.m.

PAINTEARTH Lodge Tea & Bake Sale. Thursday, Nov. 16th. 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Everyone Welcome!

About the author

ECA Review

Our newspaper is only as good as its contributors and we thank each one who submits stories, photos and opinions. If you have a news item, photos or opinion to share please submit it to office@ECAreview.com.